Sunday, September 14, 2008

#47 leaning into things outside

I dropped by the DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun today to view the "Revolucion: Tierra y Libertad" exhibition on his artwork depicting events of the Mexican Revolution. I decided to try my hand at taking some relative closeups of some of the interesting things to be found outside along the paths and gardens. I tried to frame areas that were very roughly about six inches square of foreground subject area, plus or minus a little... This hanging can (candle holder?) appeared to have holes melted by a torch.

I've not seen these in bloom before, very big and seemed to be purposely attracting flies...

Part of the front iron door. Inside, the marbles are nicely backlit by the sun.

on the ready for ramada repairs

This was one of many translucent single color blocks in the wall of of the Little Gallery, reflecting the desert landscaping.

Yaqui dancer sculpture in the courtyard

under a ramada

part of a grinding wheel

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