I stopped by Jerry Hall's old house today on the way home from work to snap a few evening pics. Jerry passed away back in October 2010 and the house is now up for sale. I've never met Jerry, but by all accounts he was a very nice man and happy to make people smile with his folk art made out of chrome car bumpers, car parts, cans, and other discards. I've driven past his house a number of times over the years and always marvel at his creativity.

This has got to be the ultimate mailbox. Car springs for antennae, stove elements for eyes, a muffler for a snout. The mail carriers must get a kick out of dropping off mail here!
a caterpillar made out of propane tanks
with a rider on back
very nice driveway art, my picture doesn't show the reflection, but the main inlay appears to either be chrome metal or a tile pieces made to look like chrome.
yep, the tall pieces are tall
up at rooftop level
a number of the neighborhood's traffic turn circles feature pieces of his art as well
According to Jerry's obituary, his motto and driving force for all his art work was "I just want to make people happy and make them smile when they look at my artwork." Rest in peace Jerry, and thanks for making us smile. :-)
I also posted some pictures on my blog of some of his yard / artwork back in 2008.