Monday, April 16, 2012

A Poetic Inventory of Saguaro National Park

I attended a very cool reading tonight at the University of Arizona Poetry Center where 16 writers read their poems about plants and animals of Saguaro National Park (all 80 pieces are in the online Spiral Orb issue 5: A Poetic Inventory of Saguaro National Park -- see below).

To view these poems and writings, you need to visit the entry poem  which "composts a fragment from each the pieces in the Poetic inventory project into a new species of poem".  Each fragment in the entry poem is actually a link to the entire piece from which the fragment came.  A fun way to explore the poems and writings.

Here is the link to the entry poem to A Poetic Inventory of Saguaro National Park  (remember to click around in it to find the source poems and writings and note that these poems may contain highlighted fragments in turn).

Here are a few I especially liked:

Sonoron Whiptail Lizard: Personal Ad by Valerina Quintana
Raven by Shawna Thompson
Mountain Lion by Ken Lamberton
Questions for a Saguaro by Alison Hawthorne Deming
Jumping Cholla by Logan Phillips


  1. Very cool indeed! I like how the poems are linked together in the spiral orb. I haven't read them all yet but the kangaroo rat "who eats what the rain smells like" caught my eye because I'm fond of creosote...

  2. What an interesting concept, Warren. I'm going to come back later on when I've got some clicking time set aside. Your image today shows wonderful contrasts between the smooth feathers on the bird and the spines on the cactus.


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