It must be reassuring for a desert dwelling cat to have his own 9 ft deep water dish!
Hmmm, also shows that its time for one of my least favorite activities, cleaning tile. Sigh.
Rusted large coffee or food cans
Perhaps these cans originally held Llama Beans?
A little camera shy, but I wasn't shy of a camera, so I snapped it
The very definition of recycling!
Also on my "was" new-to-me list from a little while back, I joined AARP (#23). Part of the ritual of turning 50, I guess. Even though retirement is hopefully some ways off for me, I enjoy reading many of the articles in the AARP magazine. Useful for insight and planning. But 50? Come on, 50 is the new 30, right?!!
[Lynette's blog at Portland Daily Photo has a very nice, and serendipitous, Memorial Day photo sequence worth checking out. Also, Rick Steves (of Rick Steves TV travel shows) is currently visiting Iran and blogging about it. Interesting reading.]
I guess I'm still working the bugs out of the new camera... We ran into several of the above insects roaming around in the sandy wash. I don't believe I've ever seen these before... Anyone have any idea what they are? Update: It is an Iron Cross Blister Beatle -- not one to handle or eat. For some more info check out notes on it at the Firefly Forest.
The ocotillo up here were putting on quite a show. Most of the ocotillo were leafless -- but just a little bit of rain and these sticks will be covered with fresh green leaves in a few days, only to drop them again shortly after the soil drys out again.
Which way? Oh, ok, thank you kindly Mr. Saguaro.
This low hanging saguaro arm is really budding out getting ready for the bloom!
We ran into a bunch of these poppy'ish looking flowers along the trail. Very pretty and really stood out against the other ground cover. [Update: grannyj has identified this as a "Mariposa Lily"]
When I uploaded this picture from my camera I did a double-take... This looks like one of those camera or photoshop special effects where you emphasize one color and drop out the rest. But no no no... I assure you this is a full color picture and the cholla really was that drab and its one flower really stands out this much!
Here is a closer shot of the cholla flower shown in the previous picture.
I really like purple thistles. I usually see bumble bees on patches like this one, no such today.
Here's GT & PT headed on down the Alamo Spring Trail and back to the car, shade, water, and food! It was starting to get hot out -- Tucson hit the low 90's today -- time to start thinking about heading to the high ground in the surrounding pines for summer hikes.
Ran into this rowdy bunch on the hike out. Not sure if they were giving us a hard time for thinking it was getting hot... Then again, they may have just been watching the game on a secluded TV stashed behind the bolder.