"Serenity" by Beth Bloch (2006, Bronze)
I really like this sculpture "Serenity" in the
Jewish Community Center's (JCC) sculpture garden! Very impressive! I read in the paper that they had a grand opening of the sculpture garden last weekend, and was very fortunate have the time to be able to drop in for a visit today.
To visit, just go in the main building entrance to the front desk and ask to visit their sculpture garden (which is accessed from the inside). I was really glad I stopped by, a lot of impressive art here. Some are permanent collections, some on loan, and a number that will be there for 10 months and then replaced with others. Well worth the stop! Its free (although I left an unsolicited small donation at the front desk on by way out).
Here are a few photos I took along the way... I haven't included everything that's there so there will be some fresh sights should you get a chance to visit.

"Sharing A Story" by Marie-Pierre Phillpe-Lohezic

"Ellipsoid I" by Gary Slater (2008, Copper & Glass)

waiting to be placed in the garden, nice shadows...

"Freedom Fighter" by Robert I Russin (1990)

"Liza" by Glenna Goodacre (1996, Bronze)

"i am so glad" by Craig LeCroy (2009, pumice stone)

foreground: "Tribe of Zebulun" by Manuel Alvarez (2009, Persian Travertine)
background: "Lyrical Connection" by Moira Geoffrion (1995-98, Broze)

"Grief" by Edward Fleming (2003, Marble)

"Neith" by David Mazza (2005, Steel)

"Ryoken" by Alexander Smith (2008, Steel with Patina & Paint)

and I have to include a few pictures of the massive sculpture at the main entrance to the JCC

lots to reflect on here, very impressive